WET News

WN September 2017

Water and Effluent Treatment Magazine

Issue link: https://read.utilityweek.co.uk/i/867569

Contents of this Issue


Page 18 of 31

Incorporating FluidFuture Optimise your energy efficiency With FluidFuture® we op mise your system's energy management in four steps. For maximum energy efficiency we always look at the hydraulic system as a whole and its en re life cycle. Our combina on of exper se, experience with energy efficiency op misa on, and future- oriented products and services result in a maximum of savings. All KSB products are developed with energy efficiency in mind. For a maximum in energy savings, all components of a system need to be perfectly matched to each other. Our comprehensive op misa on spans the hydraulic system, drive, automa on product and piping dimensions and can save up to 60 %. For more informa on please visit: KSB.com

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