WET News

WN September 2017

Water and Effluent Treatment Magazine

Issue link: https://read.utilityweek.co.uk/i/867569

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Page 13 of 31

14 WET NEWS SEPTEMBER 2017 Purified water production steams into a new era A multimillion-pound power generation plant in Yorkshire needed a water treatment system capable of producing highly purified, demineralised water to generate high pressure steam. purified, demineralised water for the generation of high pressure steam to drive the turbines. A make-up water treatment plant capable of supplying a continu- ous flow of 8m3/h (peak demand of 12m3/h) from a combined bore- hole and mains water supply was also required to feed the high- pressure boilers. The design of this plant needed to minimise the require- ment for bulk chemical storage and manual intervention while reducing the amount of waste effluent requiring treatment and, obviously, complying with power industry regulations. In addition, the system had to comply with contractor Hitachi Zosen Inova's (HZI) high engineering standards, increase wastewater reuse – for applications such as heating the plant itself – and keep installa- tion time to a minimum. HZI, a leader in energy from waste (EfW), acting as an engineer- ing, procurement and construction (EPC) contractor, awarded the design and build contract for the water treatment system to Veolia Water Technologies. Philosophy To meet HZI's specifications, Veo- lia developed a custom system combining chemical-free mem- brane technologies – reverse osmosis (RO) followed by contin- uous electrodeionisation (CEDI) – with mixed bed polishing cylin- ders, skid-mounting the system to reduce site installation time. Combining two of Veolia's Meg- aRO reverse osmosis systems with CEDI-VNX 50-2 units moves the production of purified water into a new era, maintaining water quality while reducing overall operating costs. The water treatment plant is based on a dual stream philoso- phy, with each treatment stream designed for an output flow of 8m3/h. Under normal operating conditions, one stream is in serv- ice while the other stream is on standby, automatically switching Combining two of Veolia's MegaRO reverse osmosis systems with CEDI-VNX 50-2 units helped reduce operating costs ONSITE RENEwABlE ENERgY F errybridge Multifuel 1 (FM1) is a £300M power genera- tion plant at Ferrybridge in west Yorkshire. The facility can produce around 68MW of low car- bon electricity using a range of fuels, including up to 675,000 tonnes per year of waste-derived fuels from various municipal, commercial and industrial sources across Yorkshire and the wider region. FM1 works in a similar man- ner to an existing coal-fired power station on the site, burning fuel under controlled conditions to raise high temperature steam for turbine electricity generation. Make-up water for the boiler is required to meet very high quality specifications including: <0.1 µS/cm conductivity <5 µg/kg silica <0.1 µg/kg dissolved organic carbon The new plant specifications required a water treatment sys- tem capable of producing highly Once purified, the outlet water from CEDI units is pumped to two exchangeable IHF mixed bed cylinders for final polishing...

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