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NETWORK / 23 / APRIL 2016 The time is now ABB's David Hughes argues that microgrids could be a timely solution to the UK's mounting power grid challenges. M ention "microgrid", and most people tend to think of providing access to power on remote islands or in poorly served regions in developing markets. But recent developments have highlighted a potential role for microgrids in mature power markets, including the UK, where it's becoming clear that new ways of thinking about power supply capacity, stability and resilience are needed. A spate of media reports over recent months have shown that it's not just in developing markets where generating industry insight Microgrids ABB capacity, grid stability and resilience are key concerns. Apart from longer-term discussions about UK generating capacity, we've seen increasing numbers of reports about power grid constraints around the country. Consumers are being asked to reduce their electricity consumption during periods of high grid load. Local communities are taking power generation projects into their own hands. And local grids in major UK cities are struggling to cope with the number and scale of construction projects under way. One construction company in London having to bring in power from a feed two miles away at considerable expense. In many respects, microgrids are scaled down versions of traditional power grids. A key difference, however, is the closer proximity of generation sources and user loads. Microgrids typically incorporate renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, biomass, small hydro, geothermal, waste-to-energy, and combined heat and power (CHP) systems. Microgrids are increasingly being equipped with energy storage systems, especially as lithium-ion batteries become more cost-competitive. By combining a range of generation sources with energy storage and intelligent load management, microgrids provide a reliable, economic and environmentally sustainable power supply. They can also be used as black start power or to bolster the grid during periods of heavy demand. Grid-connected microgrids can be seamlessly "islanded" from the main grid when needed, for example during periods of peak power grid use, or during a primary power grid failure. The microgrid isolates its local generation and loads from a faulty grid and can operate independently for prolonged periods. Microgrids interoperate with existing power and information systems, and can feed power back to the main grid to support its stable operation as well as help with restoration a‹er a major blackout. In the face of rising energy demands and the growing popularity of renewable generation sources, microgrids offer a flexible, modular and scalable solution – as ABB has demonstrated in 30 microgrids already deployed worldwide. Even in advanced economies such as the UK, they can increase the reliability and quality of the power supply in both grid-connected and isolated operation, reduce energy costs and enhance their predictability, and reduce carbon footprint and overall environmental impact. Now is the time to take advantage of microgrids. David Hughes, managing director, ABB Power Grids UK